New Years 2006

On the 31st, Irene and I travelled to Melfort for New Years. On the way , south of Stewart Valley, we were treated to a rather strange sight for this neck of the woods, a cow moose and twin calves. It’s the first time either of us had ever seen a moose with twins. They marched right beside the road, but by the time I had climbed out of the vehicle to retrieve my camera from the back, they had crossed the road in front of us and made off. Fortunately, they ran right along a gravel road, so we turned down the road and were able to get a shot or two. This one is probably the best.

Mom and the Kids Make a Run for It

Mom and the Kids Make a Break for It

As if that wasn’t enough wildlife sighting for one day, we also saw a bald eagle just south of Harris. Sorry, we never managed to get a picture of this one.

We spent the weekend at Dwight and Pen’s and Mom’s. New Year’s Eve was a quiet time of watching a movie. Dwight now has about 170 head of bison, like these.

Dwight's Bison

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